'Results of the Security Check for %%number%% WordPress Installations', 'titleSingle' => 'Results of the Security Check for WordPress Installed at %%url%%', 'bottomDescription' => 'Everything is secure.', 'headDescription' => 'View the results of the security check for the selected WordPress installations. If some data did not pass the security check, you can select this data in the list and harden its security.', 'additionalCheckersDescription' => 'It is recommended that you secure the items below for improving WordPress security, but some of your plugins might stop working because of this. These changes can be rolled back.', 'ok' => 'OK', 'rollback' => 'Roll Back', 'unableRollback' => 'Cannot be rolled back', 'buttonOk' => 'Secure', 'buttonOkSelected' => 'Secure the selected data on %%number%% WordPress installations.', 'buttonCancel' => 'Close', 'checkersNotFound' => 'No WordPress checkers were found.', 'loading' => 'Loading...', );